You Are Now Living in The Day You Once Wished For
Community Connect

You Are Now Living in The Day You Once Wished For

We all aspire to achieve great things, accomplish wonderful goals, and do awesome stuff.  While dreaming and hoping for these future things, we think to ourselves, “Wouldn’t it be nice to do so and so.”, or “One day we will do this or that.”  We start asking, seeking, knocking, and pushing towards that one day.  Getting there seems like this imaginary driving force that pours fuel on the fire of ambition. 

Then, like magic, we wake up one day and we are living in the “one day”. It did not happen overnight, rather it came together over time.  Life happens as it does for each of us and “getting there” becomes a blur.  You’re older now and circumstances have changed.  The riggers of climbing and pushing have helped season us and have also made us numb.  The “one day” is going on all around us and all we can think about is the NEW “one day”.

It is a shame that we are all wired this way… always worrying about the future and struggling to enjoy the present.  Although, we have reached the time we once wished for, we are too busy worrying about new things, goals, and stuff to enjoy the accomplishment. 

As we approach a New Year, we encourage you to reflect upon where you are in life with gratitude.  Think back to when you used to dream about being at the very spot that you are in now.  Remember how excited you were to one day get to today? 

We are working to remind ourselves that we are living in the “one day”, we hope you do too.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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